Winter Solstice Weeklong Ayahuasca Retreat
The winter solstice has been observed by all cultures in history. In modern western cultures, we mostly celebrate Christmas now, but this holiday has deep roots in our ancestral past. Over the course of this weeklong retreat we will discuss that history along with many other seasonally relevant topics. If you’d like to join us int he mitten (Michigan) so this weeklong event, details are below and link to registration is at the bottom.
Simple Observance For Lammas (Mid-Summer)
Being in tune with the natural cycles of the earth helps us to be in alignment with the universe as a whole. It also helps by welcoming the nurturing energy of Pachamama into the flow of our lives. That can be as simple as sitting outside and giving thanks, bringing fresh flowers into your home, or for this example making some Strawberry Honey Lemonade.