Summer Solstice Weeklong Ayahuasca Retreat
Weeklong ayahuasca retreat in the US. Long, immersive ayahuasca retreat with Shipibo trained medicine carrier.
Ayahuasca Retreat in The US
Experience the transformative power of an ayahuasca retreat in the US. Through ceremony, reflection, and integration, this retreat provides a safe and supportive environment to release what no longer serves you and step into a season of abundance and vitality.
New Mexico Ayahuasca Retreat
Gaian Rhythm holds ayahuasca retreats in the US. Join us for our spring equinox celebration in New Mexico near Santa Fe and Albuquerque
Mid-Summer Ayahuasca Retreats in The Midwest
Authentic Ayahuasca ceremonies conduced by Shipibo trained ayahuasquero in Michigan
Ann Arbor Michigan Summer Solstice Ayahuasca Retreat
Ann Arbor, Michigan weeklong Ayahuasca retreat honoring Summer Solstice
Tennessee Week-long Ayahuasca Retreat (Spring Equinox 2024)
We are so excited to head back to the smoky mountains and Tennessee for our next weeklong Ayahuasca retreat.
South Carolina Ayahuasca Retreat
Our first Ayahuasca retreat in for 2024 will be in South Carolina, just outside hilton head in the low country. We decided to head south to celebrate Imbolc, which marks the middle of winter, and the half way point to spring.
Joshua Tree Weeklong Ayahuasca Retreat for The Winter Solstice
We are so excited to host our next weeklong Ayahuasca retreat in Joshua Tree, California! What a beautiful place to honor the winter solstice. Just as the earth rests and replenishes its energy during the dark days of winter, we too can use this time to rest, reflect, and recharge ourselves.
Michigan Mid-Autumn (Samhain) Ayahuasca Retreat
Our last Ayahuasca retreat in Michigan for 2023 will be Samhain in Grand Rapids. Samhain is a time when the last of the crops are gathered, the days grow shorter, and nature prepares for its winter slumber.
New Moon in Cancer (July 2023)
We talk a lot about the cycles of the seasons here, but seasonal alignment is not the only natural rhythm we observe. The moon and her ever changing faces is another powerful symbol to be mindful of. So, we’d like to take a moment to discuss this upcoming new moon, the phase that it signals, as well as why and how we honor it.
Michigan Ayahuasca Retreat for Autumn Equinox
Bringing into the autumn equinox with sacred ayahuasca ceremonies. In this delicate dance of light and darkness, the autumn equinox serves as a portal, inviting us to find inner balance and connect with the ever-changing rhythms of the natural world.
Michigan Ayahuasca Retreat During Lammas/Lughnasadh
Lammas/Lughnasadh are traditional holidays from different cultures celebrating the mid-point of Summer, which in some places was also the beginning of the harvest season. Here at Gaian Rhythm we honor the seasonal mid-points with weekend ayahuasca retreats.
Summer Solstice Ayahuasca Retreat in Michigan
The Summer Solstice is the holiday (Holy-day) denoting the the peak of the sun. This is the longest day of the year. It is when Gaia is in full bloom, and all life enters a season of abundance. Join us in celebrating this time of sunshine and magic with a weeklong ayahuasca retreat in Michigan.
Beltane (Mid-Spring) Ayahuasca Retreat in Michigan
Beltane is the holiday (Holy-day) which marks the mid-point of spring, and its a beautiful time of the year around Michigan. This is the peak of when life is springing back (pun intended) after a long cold winter.
Weeklong Spring Equinox Retreat
The spring equinox is the seasonal new year. It is the renewal of life after a cold, dark winter. We cannot tell you how excited we are for this retreat and we couldn’t think of a better place than the Smoky Mountains. This retreat will truly be a unique and magical event.